Excited to announce the publication of I Fly book this Sunday 26th April 2020.

20 authors from around the globe have each written chapters for this inspiring memoir. I’m excited to be among them.

Here’s what our publisher has to say.


“Grief, loss, and pain permeate the lives of us all. Some have endured more than others.

About Cathryn

As a Book Coach and Publisher, my highest purpose is to get beautiful books out into the world, and to inspire, educate, and change the lives of readers.


When I thought about collating and publishing a collection of stories by real people (ie. people who, for the most part, weren’t already authors) I asked my community who wanted to be involved and was overwhelmed by the response.

In a matter of 24 hours I was swamped with applications to be part of this book.

People who had not only survived trauma, tragedy, and adversity, but who had thrived on the other side.

Out of this long list of applications, I chose 20 incredible people to take part in a book which would touch, move, and inspire readers of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds, and genders.

Along with my magnificent colleague, Veronica McDermott, we coached, trained, supported, and encouraged these extraordinary people to share their stories with the world.


For many of them, it’s the first time they have shared these stories with anybody except their closest family and friends. For some, not even then.

What inspired them all was the hope that somebody out there facing the same thing would no longer feel alone.

Would no longer feel so isolated, afraid, and in the dark.

Would know that even in their desperation and darkness, there was hope and light.

The stories you will read are true stories, by real people.

In some cases, names, places, and details have been changed to protect others.

In some stories, events have been merged or changed for the sake of brevity.

Some authors had been through so much trauma and tragedy, we had to workshop with them to find only one story to share.


Through coaching and multiple rounds of editing, we have sought to preserve the author’s voice and regional spelling choices. Some of the grammar or phrasing isn’t perfect. We don’t want it to be. We want it to be real.

We have authors from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Africa. They are all beautifully, uniquely, different.


When we first collated the stories into one document and I read them through, I cried. In fact, I bawled. I cried because of the sheer and overwhelming injustice in the world – how can anyone survive what some of these people have been through? Then I cried for the bravery of these remarkable authors, and how proud I am of this book.


I hope that reading this book is a moving experience for you.

There are sad and difficult stories to read.

Every person in this book has been through adversity – some of it is difficult beyond words.

But each person has moved through these challenges and out the other side to be a bright, shining star of love and light in their lives today.

They have created businesses, support groups, and charities to support others in similar situations.

If reading this book triggers anything in you, I urge you to please seek professional help. Don’t do this alone. Most of the authors have included their contact details at the end of the book so that you may reach out to them, but none of them are therapists or mental health professionals, so please reach out to your support network if you are in need.

This book contains adult concepts and is not suitable for children or young people.

Every single one of these authors inspires me. I hope they do the same for you.

Please reach out to us using our contact details in the back of the book and tell us how you feel about this book.

And please, buy official copies, and leave reviews on your book retailer’s website, as all these authors will directly benefit.

Please share it on your social networks and with your friends so that these stories can reach more who may need them.

If you are going through difficulty, all of us are collectively sending you our support, love, and strength.

We hope that you can move through your adversity, and that you too, may fly.”

Cathryn Mora
Founder, Head Coach and Publishing Director
Change Empire Book Coaching
I: @change.empire.book.coaching
L: linkedin.com/in/cathryn-mora/
E: hello@changeempire.com